Friday 7 March 2008


I caught this sunset in my rearview mirror and could not resist stopping in a layby to catch some
The flash and the lense hood are in the picture as too are the overhead wires.
I cleaned this up and then set to experimenting with the Painter program. I like the finished result so much I had a print done.

And here's a play session using airbrushes, blenders and distortion brushes. I just kept playing until I saw an image and then worked at it.

First Steps

This was one of the first excersises that I did. I had an old Wow Painter book with this in but had to use a mouse as I did not have a graphics tablet.

From the Beginning

I'm an untrained wannabe photographer/artist who has, since retirement from work, occasionally given in to the urge to pick up a camera or a brush/pencil.

Two great gifts have stirred me to make a little more of my efforts. The first being a digital camera (Canon EOS20D) and the second being a copy of Corel Painter for my PC.

This space will be my display board for some of the results of my playtime with these two fabulous items.